Winter sales in men's fashion

Rebajas de invierno en de T'estimu Moda

winter sales

The winter sales in the fashion sector normally begin on January 7, the day on which it is common to see queues in physical establishments.

 However, for those of us who are interested in buying without queues or rushing and with the comfort of your home or office or workshop, the option of online stores with the same sales period is also available.

Although the only thing that changes is the comfort of buying fashionable clothes from your living room or place of work, because for the rest it will also be necessary to act quickly.

Rebajas de invierno en de T'estimu Moda

The most in-demand fashion items sell out sooner

 The most in-demand garments sell out sooner, you won't see the queues, but you will see how the sizes run out.

At T'estimu Moda we are aware of this and that is why we have created sales with continuous sizes, but of course everything has an end and in mid-March we no longer replenish sizes.


Reposición continua en rebajas de invierno


Replenishment of sizes on sale until mid-March

At T'estimu Moda we at least try to guarantee the replacement of sizes until mid-March, especially in the most demanded models.

 So when these dates arrive it is the last opportunity to find the best bargains.

And as always, the T'estimu community are the first to know when it starts and when it ends.

For us, Father's Day is the end of the replenishment of continuous sizes on sale and there are already models with sold out sizes and they will no longer be replenished.

But the end of the winter sales gives way to the new spring 2023 collections that we will announce over the next few weeks.

Happy coming spring 2023


1 comment

  • Author image
    Josu: March 15, 2023

    Hola José,

    ¿Volveréis a reponer las tallas la próxima temporada de invierno?

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